After installing Powrmatic LNVx warm air suspended heaters, we installed 14 CECx destratification fans at height to maintain even air distribution. The CECx fans work in conjunction with all warm air heaters and automatically recirculate high level hot air, reducing stratification and associated heat losses….
Industrial Heaters installed two Winterwarm fully modulating gas fired suspended heaters, combined with twelve destratification fans. Destratification fans are ideally installed alongside warm air heating and are specifically designed to reduce the temperature differential between the roof space and the floor level….
Industrial Heaters specified and installed four Reznor fully modulating gas fired suspended heaters and six Reznor DS4 destratification fans. Each heater is controlled by a Smartcom3 energy saving controller, whilst the destratification fans were supplied integral thermostats. Concentric flue systems were installed complete with fresh air intakes, meaning the appliances are room sealed. The new gas main was installed in stainless steel, with all joints being press fit….
Industrial Heaters engineers specified a Winterwarm fully modulating gas fired suspended heater combined with 3 HCF destratifications fans. Destratification fans automatically recirculate high level hot air, reducing stratification and associated heat losses….
Two Powrmatic gas fired suspended heaters & three Powrmatic CECx destratification fans were installed at high level providing energy-efficient modulating warm air heating solution giving frost protection which is crucial for the product and process……