Precision Engineering Company, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Installation of Powrmatic gas fired suspended unit heaters
and Powrmatic CECx destratification fans
Precision Engineering Company, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Workshop Size – 1440m²
Based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, a engineering company have a 1,440m² facility which was being heated by two ancient oil fired floor standing cabinet heaters. Tired of the unreliability and the aging appliances, the landlord organised for a natural gas supply to be dug underground from the road to the building. Industrial Heaters were contacted to design a heating system which would suit the existing machine layout within the building.
Industrial Heaters installed three Powrmatic LX50F 50.0kW and a Powrmatic LX90F 90.0kW gas fired suspended unit heaters along with eight new Powrmatic CECx destratification fans suspended at high level. The appliances are positioned at high level in accessible areas with consideration to future maintenance work. Approximately a 100meter stainless steel gas main was installed from the gas meter to each heater.
The 1,440m² Workshop now benefits from an energy-efficient modulating warm air heating solution. The heaters are suspended from the roof purlins at around 4m off the floor, creating valuable space for the Workshop to use.

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